


Expert in IC, IT, Web, Languages & Others


Top Modem Designer

For satellite communications, click here or see www.angelia.space

My name is Mark Chen, born Chinese. I hold a master of engineering degree in thermal science from a University in Shanghai, China in 1989 and was admitted into PhD programs of several well-known universities in the US, UK, Germany, France and Canada (such as Univ. Glasgow, Univ Paris VII etc.) in 1991-1993.

Afterwards I have worked at major multinational corporations from Germany, France and the U.S. (such as Siemens Heimann, Deutsche Babcock, GE Alstom etc) as well as several Chinese companies, institutions and organizations in the power/electricity industry with various functions (design, engineering, management, quality assurance and certification, marketing, purchasing etc).

And since 2000 I have been doing my own businesses and undertaking my own studies and researches in various positions.

This is now my personal website with information about my current business activities, some of my current studies and researches and some other related issues. Previously this was my fintech business portal.

My recent life will be reported in a seperate blog, which is moving from place to place, due to the instability of hosting. Currently it is hosted here: http://markchen.int.eu.org/

My key area of expertise is now satellite broadband and related modem IC technologies which is not reported here, please refer to https://www.angelia.space.

Keep informed by visiting this site regularly because it is just being developed and will be changed slowly over time.


Studies & Researches


I want to know God's thoughts...the rest are details.
Albert Einstein

Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics.
Siméon Denis Poisson

Er tut das Notwendige, das Not wendet.
Lao Tze


Businesses are not all what I am doing now. In fact, they are only even a small part of my life, and it is researches and studies that are my real career orientation, although over the last years I was refused by the academia to carry out my beloved researches in their organizations. Nevertheless, I am continuing on my researches, and at the present and in the forseeable time, my researches will be concentrating on modem IC technologies, particularly for satellite broadband Internet. However, I will not publish my results, and I am just amusing myself through my studies and researches.


Previous Studies (2007-2017)

Before that, I have spent decades on other researches, such as those listed below:


Next generations of chip technologies (2013-2018)

incl. quantum chip, starting from superconducting computer (2013- 2018)


Mathematics (2010 to 2017)

Chip technology related math (graph theory particularly graph embedding)
Number theory related to cryptology
Differential and integral equations
Functional analysis and
Numerical computation


Fluiddynamics (2010)
Micro/Nano Flows
CFD - computational fluid dynamics


Thermal Physics & Thermodynamics (2008-2009)
Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (Thermodynamics of Small Structures),
Cosmic Thermodynamics or Thermodynamics of The Universe,
Thermodynamics of Cancers,
Thermodynamics & Thermophysics of Life, and Biology
Solar Thermodynamics & Thermophysics,
Thermodynamics and Thermophysics In Solar Radiation and Measurement,
Thermodynamics of Solar Energy Systems, Solar Technology, Industry and Applications


Solar related (2007-2008)
Solar physics,
Solar radiation and its measurement technologies,
solar aviation and aerospace,
solar photovoltaics

Hundreds of study notes and memos and other records were written during the decade of researches, see WhatsWritten2003to2017 (pdf).


Since 2018, my writing is concentrated on a few fields, see this document (pdf) for the latest progress.

More information about my studies and researches please read this document.

My Career


I debuted my career at the age of 20 at the Ministry of Machinery Industry in Beijing, China. At that time I was among the social elites of China, working together with the ministers and other high ranking officials of the Chinese central government in the heart of Chinese politics. My office was just a few hundreds of meters away from that of the State Council and I was able to meet with the premiere and other top Chinese officials. At those days I was planning to enter into the Chinese leadership in order to lead the modernization of the country. This kind of story will be reported in my autobio to be written when my current situation is improved.

Afterwards I have also served a number of leading multinationals in the power industry such as Siemens, GE Alstom and Deutsche Babcock (bankrupt in 2003?). I was also qualified as quality assurance engineer and lead auditor for the nuclear power plant. My career brought my multilingual skills and industry expertise to people of many races and nations and I was considered at that time period one of the brightest persons of my circles.

See a resume (pdf) of mine for more information. You may also find some additional information by viewing this profile (pdf) file. This page give you a general picture of my past career.

Past Websites


For those past web presence in researches, studies, career, life and business before 2019 or so please refer to my personal sites at


The above site was envolved from the old sites such as:







Angelia Mark Chen China Strategy

Since we cannot get what we like, let us like what we can get.
—Spanish Proverb.