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China IC Monthly Reports (CICM)


The only English language reports available for international IC/VLSI/chip communities interested in China market

The English language CICM reports are dedicated to international IC/VLSI/chip communities who want to have a first hand research and analysis about the Chinese chip industry and market on timely basis. This report is the only one of that kind available to foreign chip businesses, and covers key development areas such as (fundamental) research and development, design technology, eda vendors, foundries, testing, packaging, market, investment as well as key government policy, plans and programs in mainland China (excl. H.K. and Taiwan, ROC). This report was initiated as a result of our own studies of the chip technologies and industry, along with our fundamental researches (combinatorics and graph theory etc) in chip design and manufacturing in collaboration with research institutes and universities in China and other countries. The report was started upon the requests of our clients over the years. We also need these compilations for our own researches and development.

China IC

The CICM reports are prepared by the first class industry insiders, therefore I can assure you, once you own it, you will find it extremely worthwhile your investment and time reading and analyzing our reports. We know the Chinese chip industry that is undergoing drastic change right now. And like many other industry sectors, if you do not follow up it well on timely manner, you will loose your chance and market. Remember, China is the world's largest chip market therefore noone can afford to stay away from that market if he or she wants to be among the global players.

There is also a Chinese version for the Chinese chip designers, manufacturers and service companies who want to have a first hand info about the worldwide chip development, both traditional and novel tech (quantum, photonic, atomic, bio/DNA etc).

In additional to the textual reports (with options of accompanying media files such as pictures, audio and video files), we're also delivering the socalled China IC Databases (CICD), which is presented as a form of MySQL databases as well as sectional presentations in pdf (R&D, designers,eda vendors, foundries, key equipment suppliers, testers and packagers, key investors and traders etc), with all necessary details for your further studies and contacts.

For a more detailed description of the report please read the summary introduction () of the report.

Stay informed with the Chinese IC industry with our above products and services.