


Expert in IC, IT, Web, Languages & Others


VLSI Technologies


As I've mentioned somewhere else on the site, I've started my IC career since 2013 or so, but my first intention was not the design, but the researches of post-Moore IC technologies, for this purpose I have some years exploring many dozens of new generations of IC technologies, among them also quantum circuits, greaphene chips, spintronics based circuits, single electron tunneling, DNA computing etc.

But I have found no place to avail my efforts, and I can see no breakthrough over the foreseeable time - the IC technology has been stopped since 2010 when Intel has first produced its 1.6GHz CPU and since then we have seen the CPU speed is not progressed much -, and for another 10 years there will be no commecial, alternative IC technology that can replace the current silicon and electron based IC technology, therefore I have turned to design as my key expertise field. Why I come to satellite Internet modem IC design is another story which I will tell you later on.

And now, IC technology is still important, therefore I still need to follow up its development. Unfortunately I can't find uptodate books in this field from the Internet. No new books are appearing in this filed over the last years. Many of them were published more than 10 years ago.


My current reading or repeat reading (for most of the literature I have in my computer are already read over the last years)

General IC Technologies


Current reading:

Harris Digital Design and Computer Architecture


Now starting:

Hiscocks2010 Analog Circuit Design p1194



Here below is a partial list of books I have read over the last years, with the order of surname, year of publications, book title and page number.


Agarwal2005 Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits p1009.pdf

Allen2002 CMOS Analog Circuit Design p794.pdf

Baker2010 CMOS Circuit Design Layout and Simulation 3rdEdition p1214.pdf

Bishop2011 Electronics Circuits and Systems p381.pdf

Brun2018 Cmos analog IC design fundamentals p370.pdf

Carusone2012 Analog integrated circuit design p822.pdf

Chen2006 The VLSI handbook p2322.pdf

Davis2001 Radio Frequency Circuit Design p340.pdf

De Micheli2003 Synthesis And Optimization Of Digital Circuits p586.pdf

Everard2001 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design with Low Noise Oscillators p307.pdf

Ghongade2007 Lecture 0 VLSI Design Introduction to the subject p455.pdf

Glesner2002 VLSI Design of Integrated Circuits p562.pdf

Gray2009 Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits p897.pdf

Grimblatt2013 Digital Integrated Circuits Design Flow p109.pdf

Harris2008 Digital Design and Computer Architecture p561.pdf

Hiscocks2010 Analog Circuit Design p1194.pdf

Hollstein2007 VLSI Design of Integrated Circuits Wintersemester p439.pdf

John2004 Introduction to ASICs p1179.pdf

Kaeslin2008 Digital Integrated Circuit Design From VLSI Architectures to CMOS Fabrication p879.pdf

Kahng2011 VLSI Physical Design From Graph Partitioning to Timing Closure p319.pdf

Kang2003 CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS - Analysis and Design p683.pdf

Kao2019 Introduction to VLSI Design p128.pdf

Kraus2012 SPICE-Schaltungs-Simulation mit LTspice IV p173.pdf

Kumar2015 VLSI DESIGN p120.pdf

Lee2004 The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits 2ed p404.pdf

Li2009 RF Circuit Design p843.pdf

Mano2013 Digital Design p565.pdf

Poornima2005 VLSI Design p144.pdf

Rabaey2002 Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective p513.pdf

Razavi2001 Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits p688.pdf

Rogers2003 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design p431.pdf

Scheffer2006 EDA for IC Implementation Circuit Design and Process Technology p616.pdf


Weste2011 CMOS VLSI Design A Circuits and Systems Perspective p867.pdf

Williams2014 Digital VLSI Design with Verilog p557.pdf

Wolf2008 Modern VLSI Design IP-Based Design p631.pdf

Wong2005 Nano CMOS Circuit and Physical Design encrypted p408.pdf


FPGA Technologies

Field2013 Introducing the Spartan 3E FPGA and VHDL p130.pdf

Hauck2008 Reconfigurable Computing The Theory and Practice of FPGA-Based Computation p945.pdf

Kastner2018 Parallel Programming for FPGAs p235.pdf

Moore2017 FPGAs For Dummies p53.pdf

Özsu2012 Data Processing on FPGAs p120.pdf

Patel2018 FPGA designs with Verilog and SystemVerilog p183.pdf

Vasut2016 Open-Source Tools for FPGA Development p34.pdf


FPGA / EDA Vendor Guides and Instruction


Current reading:

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Design Analysis and Closure Techniques p333
UG906 (v2019.1) May 22, 2019




















Open Schematic Capture





Chwalisz2011 Xilinx FPGA design using Simulink with Hardware Co-Simulation p19.pdf

Everett2013 Introduction to Xilinx System Generator Part I p17.pdf

Gupta2015 Image Processing using Xilinx System Generator (XSG) in FPGA p7.pdf

Kintali2015 Model-Based Design with Simulink, HDL Coder, and Xilinx System Generator for DSP p15.pdf

Mohammed2014 High Level FPGA Modeling for Image Processing Algorithms Using Xilinx System Generator p8.pdf

Patel2019 Vivado Tools Guide p87.pdf

Xilinx2018 Vivado Design Suite Tutorial Model-Based DSP Design Using System Generator p121.pdf

Xilinx2019 Introduction to FPGA Design with Vivado High-Level Synthesis p92.pdf

Xilinx2019 UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for the Vivado Design Suite p300.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite Reference Guide Model-Based DSP Design Using System Generator p472.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Design Analysis and Closure Techniques p333.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Design Flows Overview p106.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Designing with IP p114.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Implementation p193.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Model-Based DSP Design Using System Generator p250.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Programming and Debugging p394.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Synthesis p293.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Using Constraints p193.pdf

Xilinx2019 Vivado Design Suite User Guide Using the Vivado IDE v2 p171.pdf


HDL - Hardware Description Language

Hwang2015 Digital Logic & Microprocessor Design With VHDL p512