


Expert in IC, IT, Web, Languages & Others


Studies & Researches


I want to know God's thoughts...the rest are details.
Albert Einstein

Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics.
Siméon Denis Poisson

Er tut das Notwendige, das Not wendet.
Lao Tze


Why do I plan to return to Universities or institutes for scientific researches?

The main reason of this fundamental change of my life and career is my firm belief that only the acquaintance with science and studies of the Nature can give me some sort of satisfaction and happiness. In my childhood, I have always been thinking about becoming a top scientist and this is still my unrealized dream. I am thirsty to learn everything about the Nature and her principles. All branches of sciences are attracting me – mathematics, physics, chemistry…. When dived into the realm of science, I forget the rest of the world.

Secondly, I’ve found the industry, commerce and politics all full of crimes, evils, lies, corruption and injustice (in fact they are synonyms) , and I hate all these, therefore, after so many years there, I want to keep myself distant away from them and concentrate myself on pure scientific researches.

Thirdly, my personality is very fit for scientific researches. Although working in the industry and business over the last two decades, I am still maintaining my habit to learn new sciences every day without interruption. My reading and study capability is unique. Each day I might read more than 100 pages of books of various kinds. I am able to read papers in English, German and French and I am still improving my Russian.

And lastly, I should have been among the top scientists if I have accepted the Ph.D studies I won from several European and N. American universities such as University of Glasgow (gas turbine combustion), University of Paris (surface chemistry), Laval University, and universities of Germany and other countries during 1991-1992 shortly after graduation as a master of science. I was unable to attend these universities because of private reasons Further in 1996, I was nearly admitted by Harvard to pursue a MPA when my former boss told me that the job at Alstom was worth more than a Harvard MPA, a wrong judgment of course.

For short, only a scientific career can fulfill my dream of lifetime endeavors.  


Childhood Dreams


As a child, I dreamed to become Einstein No 2. And still this is my lifetime goal. In any case I shall keep myself competitive technically and scientifically in one way or another. Unfortunately I didn’t continue with my Ph.D. studies at one o2020-02-22. My then girlfriend was a Taiwanese and her English or German or French was NULL, therefore I gave up my doctoral study plan and instead got a job in Taiwan (Bechtel’s joint venture with the Ministry of Science in Taiwan). I also didn’t go to work in Taiwan due to dramatical change later on.

Nevertheless, I have been able to pursue a master study of thermophysics at one of the best universities in China, have learned four or five foreign languages, paving the way for to acquire information of the outside world without any difficulty and obstacle from any organizations. I have also learned almost all software and Internet technologies, enabling me design websites and related functions, so that I may promote my business without a third hand. Of course I’ve also learned a lot of other stuff, some are still useful, the majority is sleeping forever.


Current Studies (2017--)

After a decade of researches and studies on other topics, I am now resctricting my scope of academic activities to the following three areas. That will never be changed, unless there is good reason to do so.



Next Generations of Integrated Circuits

Nowadays CMOS based VLSI technology has reached its limits, therefore I will no more follow the silicon based IC technology, but the upcoming new promising computation circuits with radically new physics and chemistry and even biological fundamentals. But at the moment there is no sight of breakthrough. Just follow me to find out where this great leap will come true.

I am currently focusing on quantum circuits as I did two or three years ago.

Superconducting Quantum Computer

I am writing a book series named "Superconducting Quantum Computer". Duo to the complexity and wide range of research areas, I am determined to first focus on "types of superconducting quibits" over the next months.

I want to write something related to quantum circuits based computer, but at the moment, I am determined to first focus on superconducting qumputer (SQ) because it seems it is the main development area in quantum computer. ?After reading hundreds of papers and books, I’ve decided to write a comprehensive volume in SQ, with some of the following sections or chapters:

Types of Superconducting Qubits??
Qubit Designs?
Structure & Construction of Superconducting Qubits???
Features & Parameters
Actions, Manipulations & Operations???

  1. Quantum Coherence??????
  2. Quantum Decoherence??
  3. Quantum Interference????
  4. Quantum Superposition?
  5. Quantum Entanglement?
  6. Quantum Teleportation???
  7. Quantum Error Correction?????
  8. Fault Tolerance??

Quantum Gates Based on Superconducting Qubits?????
Quantum Circuits Based on Superconducting Qubits??
Quantum Computer / Quantum Processor Based on Superconducting Qubits
Manufacturing & Fabrication
Calibration & Characterization
Measurement, Control & Readout
Tests, Experiments & Benchmarking
Algorithms & Applications
And several chapters for other information and sources

I will first complete the Types of Superconducting Qubits section before moving on to the rest of the writing.

I am just interested to know everything related to SQ, and try to gather together all relevant information in this subject and try to systemize and theorize the information I can collect. Several key questions shall be addressed such as: is quantum computer really achievable? How complex and difficult to build a realistic quantum computer? How long can this be realized? How many qubits are needed to build a compatible quantum computer with those on the market now? Which technology might be the most feasible? Etc etc.

I will not conduct tests or experiments, I will rely on others to provide relevant evidences and proves. My strong points and uniqueness are not in the experimental sciences but theoretical thinking and logical deduction and systematic approach, the later being my highest asset of academic talents. I think I have some unrivalled talents to find things amongst the vast sea of information out of chaos.

I am currently studying these subjects at my sparetime and hence have limited sources, and I need to earn enough money for my researches and studies in addition to my everyday life.


Earlier I was involved in a lot of the upcoming techniques, such as the ones below:

  • Quantum circuits
  • Spin based circuits
  • Graphene FETs
  • Nano IC technologies
  • DNA chips
  • Cellular chips
  • Gallium
  • Germanium
  • Indium
  • Molecular chips
  • Membrane chips
  • Molybdenium chips
  • Neural computer
  • Photonic chips
  • Resonant tunneling IC
  • Reversible computing
  • Single electron devices
  • Strained silicon chips
  • Superconducting chips
  • 3D IC

Unfortunately there is no sign that any of them can replace silicon in the nearest future, therefore we have to live now a time when IC development will be stagnated or at least slowing down. No major speed up of CPU is seen over the last years.

You may also find some of the latest development on my another website here: Super IC Technologies.


Specific, Silicon Based Integrated Circuits


Once upon a time I was also interested in different kinds of chip architectures such as the following:

  • AMS - analog/mixed-signal
  • ASAP - asynchronous array of simple processors
  • ASIC
  • ASIP Application Specific Instruction-Set Processors
  • CMP - chip multi processors
  • DSP - digital signal processor
  • GPU - graphics processing unit
  • MCM - multichip module
  • MCP - multi-core processors
  • MPSOC - multiprocessor system-on-chip
  • NOC- Network-on-chip (noc)
  • OCN - on-chip networks
  • Pipelining
  • Reconfigurable
  • POC - Process on-chip
  • PSOC - programmable system-on-chip
  • SOC - system-on-chip
  • SOI - silicon-on-insulator
  • SOP - system-on-package
  • SOPC - system-on-a-programmable chip

I really am confused by soo many variations of the silicon integrated circuits and have now not enough time to follow up all these technologies, but from time to time I may still come back to some of them, particularly FPGA architecture, and SOC as well.


Satelliet Communications IC (March 2018 -- February 2020)

Current Design Project

Integrated Circuits for Mobile, Broadband Satellite Internet Access System without satellite bases, for portable uses for single person, movable on any point of the earth.

The chip will very likely to be developed with fpga technology.

I will start the design of satellite Internet access ICs in response to the launch of a host of new satellite based Internet services from a number of companies such as SpaceX, OneWeb etc. It is mainly aimed to practice my IC skills as well as for fun.

Here is the table of the contents of the current design documents updated on May 17, 2018(it is updated on a daily basis):

Here is the DVBS2 modulator core introduction available for your reference.


My Hardware Monitoring IC Design Project - Stopped

But before a new generation of IC technology can be brought to life, I still have to deal with traditional, silicon-based IC technologies. For this reason I am now also doing some design work - for example, I am designing a PC harware monitoring IC based on some of the popular hardware monitoring models from companies like ITE, Nuvoton and Winbond. But it will take me long time to finish the project, as this design is just my hobby and part time work, without any supports from the industry and commerce. If some one can finance my design, the pace will be accelerated and quality will be improved, though.

Old, Soon-to-be-absolete IC Technologies

Apart from the above design project, I am of course also studying basic IC technologies as a followup of my research mission set a couple of years ago. I have read quite a bunch of entry level IC books downloaded from the Web, like the one titled


co-authored by SUNG-MO (STEVE) KANG and YUSUF LEBLEBIGI. But sometimes I am missing the technical details of the CMOS structure and I-V characteristics. Never mind, though, because I don't mean to make a CMOS circuits myself, but to make me sufficiently familiar with the design process, therefore understanding CMOS details is not essential and critical.


Business Opportunities

I am currently seeking a chance with a chip company where I can either do my job inhouse or with whom I can cooperate for some designs. Or investors are welcome to pour money into my projects. For example I am planning for a possible job at Huahong Semiconductor, one of China's major wafer manufacturers based in Shanghai.

Web and IT Technologies

My latest IT technological activities is the development of web scraping scripts written in Python and Java for my own use - searching emails, web links and many other stuff from the web. I have also explored with other programming languages such as C/C++/C#, VB/.Net, rugby, go language, PHP, node.js, perl, R, swift, delphi, erlang, scala etc, but finally I've decided only to use Java and Python, for these two are the most popular web scraping language, particularly python. But I am not satisfied with python and Java for their speed. I use some of the 3rd party packages for the development of codes, such as scrapy in python and crawler4j in Java.

My other efforts in software cracking or better named reverse engineering are proven to be a more hard task.

Another activities related to IT and web is about privacy and secrecy in Internet life, where there are needs to overcome of censorship imposed by some regimes and to keep yourself safe while surfing the web. I started to investigate into this area as early as 2009 and I have spent hundreds or even thousands of hours trying to circumvent the filtering and protections measures. It is very difficult. My conclusion is that if the regime wants to block you, you have no way to come out of it.



I was able to use 5 languages at 20 and since then I have never stopped a single day learning these languages. And sometime around 2006 I've decided to expand my language skills to include the most important ones such as Greek, Latin, and Hebrew to my language skill pools. I have managed to revive my Russian which was forgotten long ago and now I am again able to read some simple books. I've nearly completed the basics of Greek, Hebrew and Latin likewise. Again I have recovered my Esperanto to almost at the same level of my 1980's.


A Trial Period (2006-2016)


Since 2006, after the death of my father, people have persuaded me to do something to contribute to the society and not to waste my talents. Over this time period, I have tried many areas of researches and studies, which can be divided into: math, thermodynamics, fluiddynamics, solar physics, cryptography and Internet security. Over that period of time (2006-2013), I have read tens of thousands of pages of all kinds of papers and books, and drafted a number of books and papers as well (the total number is never calculated but is easily over 200). On this website I have just shown those survived, because whe I decided to focus only on math for chip technology - which is now and will be forever my research direction - I have removed all those I have read before and as a result, only a few were able to be kep alive since they were backed up in my computer at earlier time.

And in the future, I will more or less concentrate on mathematics, particularly those related to information technology - and now mathematics for chip technology.

(The above statement and plan was given up since the death of my mother in March 2016. And now only graph theory and a little math studies remain to be among my study menu, all others are given up. No books and papers will be written, nor will be any published or otherwise publicized. Another reasons is the refusal of the academic communities of my willingness ot do my researches there.)


Previous Studies and Researches

Over the last years I’ve completed my master degree at one of the best universities in China, acquired 7 or 8 foreign languages, acquired wide spectrum of knowledge in power, energy, IT and Internet, aviation and other industries. My knowledge base is now mainly on three pillars – math, IT and languages.

However, over the past years I've been intensively engaged in studies and researches in different fields, centered around thermal science, solar technology and Internet technologies.

Here below are a little more details of areas of my past studies:

Mathematics – Graph theory, Combinatorics, numer theory, numerical computation, functional analysis ...


Graph theory and related mathematics

Initially graph theory was studied for the sake of IC design and technologies, for at that time I was thinking that

1) I shall choose only mathematics as my research orientation because for physical sciences I have to means to carry out their studies and

2) and secondly those maths that are related to the most important technologies of our time - which is IC technology undoubtedly.

Therefore by 2014 I have decided to concentrate my future research of graph theory for the IC technology.

But in between I have no chance with the IC industry and academia, and what's more important is that, after the death of my mother, I don't need to keep my previous ambitious plan and therefore I need to cut short my research scale, thus, after more than 600 days of considerations and reluctance, I have decided to stop IC related graph research and focus on pure graph theory and related sciences such as

  • Algebra
  • Combinatorial optimization
  • Discrete math
  • Operations researches

and some of my other interests in math such as

  • cryptography,
  • differential equations,
  • probability,
  • functional,
  • number theory, and
  • numerical analysis.

In 2014 I have submitted a research program to the US National Science Foundation called Graph Theoretical Applications to VLSI Design, but it was not approved.

In the same year I have written a paper called Hypergraph modeling for FPGAs – a Preliminary Investigation, but not published.

My current studies and writting are

1) about TSP and its variants VRP - Vehicle Routing Problem and

2) graph embedding - starting with my indepth studies of graph representation i.e. graph data structure in computer.

But operations research will also be on my agenda, at least for the time being.

My aim of the studies is threefold:

  • 1) to investigate in full scale which graph data structures are there
  • 2) to find out which software, programs and codes are there to handle the computation of graph representation and finally
  • 3) to improve the existing algorithms and codes to speed up the graph data processing in computer



  • Micro/Nano Flows,

  • CFD- computational fluid dynamics


Thermal Physics & Thermodynamics

  • Nanothermodynamics,

  • Thermodynamics Of Cancers,

  • Mesoscopic Thermodynamics (Thermodynamics Of Small Structures),

  • Thermodynamics & Thermophysics Of Life,

  • Cosmic Thermodynamics Or Thermodynamics Of The Universe,

  • Solar Thermodynamics & Thermophysics,

  • Thermodynamics And Thermophysics In Solar Radiation And Measurement,

  • Thermodynamics Of Solar Energy Systems, Solar Technology, Industry And Applications


Solar Physics


Solar Radiation


Solar Aviation And Aerospace


Solar Photovoltaics


And in the future, I will more or less concentrate on graph theory andperhaps some interesting IT technologies for my own use and fun only.


Research Methods

There are people who have worked on how to make scientific discoveries and have written tons of books and papers and invented millions of methods to improve to scientific finding capacity.

However, scientific finding is basically a luxurious job: when you have enough time and money, you can make new things to become reality, and if you're poor and too busy, you have no chance at all, regardless if you have learned all these methods or not. I know combinatorial techniques are the most effective ones.


Occasionally I would write down what I have in my mind about new ideas of a certain scientific topic. But I have no time to tackle them yet. See Problems.doc and Problems1.doc


As a result of my previous researches and studies, I have compiled a number of lists of worldwide scientists, in China and elsewhere, ancient and contemporary, in the fields of my interests. I have read some books and papers from some of them, I have also contacted some of them for research position by them. None was willing to accept me though.

The Greatest Works

These are the greatest scientific and humanity works ever written in the history of humans. I have planned to read some of the most important but somehow I could not realize my plan because of my daily burden.

Funding my Researches

There was days when I fancied that someone would provide some capital for my scientific activities either researches or writing. But none have showed enough willingness.

Then suddenly, on Sept 13, 2014, a certain Mr Kenneth Whang, Program Director, Division of Information and Intelligent Systems, National Science Foundation sent me an email for the call of proposals for the Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience program. I was wondering how did he know that I am working on this subject and how did he get my email address. I can remember that I ever have left my email address to NSF site. And how did he get my email address is still a secret. Nevertheless, I did have some kind of studies of computation, but in fluiddynamics and thermodynamics but not neuroscience. I did have some population with the US government, when I was quoted as a solar expert by US National Renewable Energy Labs under the Ministry of Energy during 2005-2007.

But his email aroused my extinguished interest in NSF, and I decided to seek a funding from there. Therefore I have registered at NSF and prepared and submitted my application for funding package today (2014-09-17) . It took me 3 days to do so. My version of Chinese PDF reader has some defect so that the first submittals were failed and I have to switch to English version and change a bit of the contents, and finally the submission was done OK. Now I have to wait for the review results.


What's Written 2003 to 2017


During the last years since 2003 I have written hundreds or even thousands of academic, business and commentary notes in the forms of papers, presentation slides, reports, booklets and books in the areas such as solar physics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, IT (incl cryptography), VLSI chip and mathematics, among them, the selected about 200+ pieces are of quite comprehensive and indepth nature of review and research. However, most of them are in form of drafts.

I did not publish my academic writing results because most of them are just my study aides or daily records, with exception of the business reports that are specifically prepared for a special purpose. Therefore they are mostly not written with the purpose of publication in mind. And my writing is to large extent only my hobby, for my own amusement, not for showing the world how capable I am. However, they are not necessary meant to be in low quality and just on contrary, they can be compatible with most published papers on the market.

With the exception of my master’s thesis in 1989, all of my writings are dated back from 2003. Therefore what I have written before that and after 1978 when I first attended the university at the age of 15, are not known and are all lost. They might be yet another great number as well.

What will be coming up after this crazy period of writing ?

Well, my writing will certainly no more spread over so large a spectrum as before. I might still write some business reports, but only on requests of my clients, therefore that is unpredictable. I might still write a large number of essays about my life and the social events happening here and there and which will eventually be part of my autobiography. Apart from this, my overall writing will be slowed down or even suspended for the moment, because of my poor economic status. For during the last decade I did not earn money in lieu of my researches and my purse is dried up, therefore I need to fill it up and hence for some months or even years from now I might shift to business and leave little time to studies – an hour a day at most.

Nevertheless my studies, researches and writing will continue and will never stop and hence I will work on the following areas: New generations of IC technologies, with first priority of quantum computer.

I will write a few serious and useful essays in quantum computer, which I name as qumputer. The largest writing project by far, will be my thousands of pages of my autobiography, as well as a biography of my mother, with its writing delayed for I don’t know how many years.

All books with a few exception are written in US English: a few in German and several others in Chinese.


Read this document for details about my writing.




I hold a master of engineering degree in thermal science from one of the top Chinese University in Shanghai. My major studies were turbines (steam and aeroderivative), boilers, combustion engines, and advanced thermal physics.

I was once one of the hardest learning students of the university. I was possibly the first student entering the door of the University Library in the morning and the last who left the library in the evening.

I was in one of the four best classes of the University when accepted by the university – the four were the mathematics, physics, chemical and applied mechanics where I was.

But I didn’t stay there for long – only one semester, then the university asked me and several other classmates to transfer to the socalled “German Class” of two hundreds. The German Classes were formed to learn a year of German and then these students chosen from around all departments of the university will be sent to Germany to continue their studies in Germany, as part of the bilateral culture exchange. Of course, I didn’t know the background and paid little attention to the class. I also didn’t like foreign languages at all, as I considered them as the courses for women only, and men shall learn physics and other complicated science and technology. Women are more talkative than men, they deserve the language studies, but men not, especially I am very quiet. Therefore during the early years I didn’t learn hard enough so that I’ve missed a chance to go to Germany to continue my career.

However, my interest in foreign languages was aroused only two or three years after.

During my stay there I have studied not only the areas of my major, but all other sciences and technologies, arts, culture, religion, politics, economy, finance, in one word, every I can find on the library shelves. I was very thirsty of knowledge and studied deep into the night every day, so that my health was quite damaged.

During my studies, I have also developed my own thinking, my own way of working and living as well as my independence of anyone else. My working ability was also developed.

After the postgraduate studies I was also admitted to PhD research programs of several well-known universities in the US, UK, Germany, France and Canada (such as Université de Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris (University of Paris VII), Université de Provence, University of Glasgow, Université Laval , Universität Gesamthochschule Essen and lastly quasi admitted into MPA program at Harvard etc). but these plans were given up due to an engagement with my then girlfriend.

And during the 2008-2011 period I have again tried to reenter the universities for either a PhD study or direct researches on various topics at Nanyang University of Technology and Zhejiang University, however, these efforts yielded no results, and hence I have now completely shunned away from the academic communities except with my own studies of computational number theory.

See this document edu_snapshot.html for more.

Complete Documentation


This file studies.chm: gives you a global picture of my studies.

The documents in pdf are stored at the following location of google drive:

To see the scale of my studies and education, you may view the files below which is a snapshot of my computer records of my studies and education. The actual files are not accessible from these links. Please note most documents are removed to free more spcae for my documents.
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