


Expert in IC, IT, Web, Languages & Others


My Career


This is the story of a person who has studied, worked, lived and strived very hard and “hard” over the past years for freedom, academic achievement, career success and happy life. There is a long long story about my efforts to realize my plan. Although this stiory is quite lengthy, it still can only disclose a small piece of my past, it does no way depict the entire history, and without it nobody can understand what I really am and what my real ambition and goal are.

I debuted my career at the age of 20 at the Ministry of Machinery Industry in Beijing, China. Afterwards I have also served a number of leading multinationals in the power industry such as Siemens, Alstom and Deutsche Babcock (bankrupt in 2003?). I was also qualified as quality assurance engineer and lead auditor for the nuclear power plan. My career brought my multilingual skills and industry expertise to people of many races and nations and I was considered at that time period one of the brightest persons of my circles.

I have been one of the busiest guys in the world over the last years, chasing after my 7 languages (Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Fr, De, Ru, and your English of course), researching and studying science to advance myself onto top 50 best scholars of the world, exploring various types of businesses to earn a little money for the survival in China, running all over the mountains to become one of the healthiest guys in the city. and most importantly taking care of my parents – the greatest father and mather in the human history ever since human was evolved from monkeys millions of years ago in Africa.

I’ve provided consulting, design and thermophysical services to multinational and Chinese corporations, organizations and institutions in the solar, renewable and conventional power and other industries since 2000.

I’ve involved in a number of key national projects, joined business networks of the multinational companies in China and helped boost the technology exchange and upgrading of the Chinese industries of various fields with different positions at different functions between 1983 -2000. Details see below.

The story has not yet ended and more are to come in this site...

Here I have listed some of the selected indices of reports, data, information, services and literatures related to these businesses and researches. They are incomplete, and just show the efforts I have made in doing my businesses and researches. If you're interested in some of these issues, you may get in touch with me in order to get the necessary information and data.

I've tried to compile a complete story of mine for the last decades, and several hundreds of pages were drafted years ago, but I could find no time to continue. A personal story with China's development track records over the last three decades will certainly amount to thousands of pages, not merely an autobio or a resume writing. I will only begin to seriously consider the writing when I have secured my income and research position.



Over the past three decades or so I have been trying the hardest in learning and working in several areas. As a result I have accumulated certain competence in these areas, here below is a summary.

1 Industry Relevant

Thermal Power Machines

My graduate major.

Computer science and Internet

Four years of hard studies.


Nearly 30 years of continuous learning and use.


Business aviation consulting services for 2 years

Quality management and certification

Several years of work

Power industry

Many years of work

Nuclear power

Two years involvement onsite supervision

Renewable energy – solar, windpower, biomass etc

Several years of self-studies and business


2 Functional

Administration and coordination at the central government body

For the power equipment manufacturing industry of China in the early 80’s


Power plant design of 300MW size

Construction supervision

Nuclear powerplant construction

Sales and marketing

Power, industrial and navy

Procurement and sourcing

Utility boilers, solar PV


Various industries

Report writing

China solar power and China power industry, China aviation etc

Overall business management

My own business and company under various names in collaboration with my partners

1997 - 1999 Power Industry, Global Procurement Manager or Purchasing Manager, Deutsche Babcock China (Beijing, China)

Handled an US 160 million purchasing project
Sourcing for machinery, electric, steel, and other components from China for the company’s utility boilers (about 300 – 700 MW boiler) projects worldwide – notably Germany, India, Turkey.

  • Prepared inquiries,
  • Evaluated quotes from Chinese suppliers,
  • Conducted factory visits and quality surveillance,
  • Negotiated with candidate suppliers for utility boiler equipments, materials, components, accessories, services and engineering and
  • Technical review of utilities boiler projects (660MW) in China for the tender process.
  • Coordinated for a 160 million US$ purchasing order for the 2x600MW steam boilers at Dezhou Power Plant Phase II, Shandong., China with a project team comprised of engineers and managers from Germany, China and other countries

My secondary role was the technical design and modifications to preset utilities boiler design and participation in the thermal and fluiddynamic tests and experiments to new models under development onsite.

Special attention was given to burner and fluidized bed boiler aerodynamics where multi-phase flow and turbulent flow mechanics were intensively explored.

1996 - 1997 Power Industry, Senior Electrical Engineer and Marketing Manager, ALSTOM East China (Shanghai, China)

Explored marketing with values of over US$ 13 billion

Technology support, marketing and coordinating of sales in the Southeastern China area for

  • Power (Power Plant equipment) and
  • Industrial (industrial equipment incl. airport baggage handling and sorting system, automobile painting line equipment, pump and pumping stations, servo-motors, press machines for aircraft manufacture, valves and others) and
  • Naval Divisions

with a market value of over US$ 13 billion.

Specific duties:

  • Performed technology support of the power equipment division in east China area incl. redesign or modification of the thermodynamic and fluid dynamic systems and parameters of turbines in operation or maintenance,
  • participated in the technical review of the tender documents based on thermophysical sciences - thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion theory.
  • Coordinated for the technology and production cooperation with Shanghai Steam Turbine Works and Shanghai Boiler Works 
  • Conducted marketing in the hydropower, industrial and navy divisions of the ALSTOM group,
  • Pioneered in the exploration of the industrial equipment (airport baggage handling system, automobile painting line, sewage treatment system), hydropower (particularly pumped storage power stations) and naval business
  • Pursued marketing and sales activities with people and organizations involved in the three areas, such as government bodies, engineering, research, design, construction, investment and operation entities in the east China regions;
  • Coordinated with people of Alstom Group worldwide (France, Germany, UK, Brazil etc) for the pre-marketing presentation


1994 - 1996 Project Engineer at TÜV Rheinland (Shanghai, China)

Quality Assurance Certification for exporters and major manufactures in China, e.g.

  • The automobile industry (Volkswagen),
  • Aircraft (AMECO) – a Lufthansa/CAAC joint venture,
  • Machinery (Schindler, Schenck),
  • Electric (Siemens Automation) etc.

A pioneer in the ISO 9000 certification industry for TÜV Rheinland China and a pioneer in this industry as well. Opened the door of success for the German certification body by acquiring the Volkswagen contract.

1993 - 1994 Period of Chaos

During this period I have changed my jobs fairly frequently duo to my unstable situations:

  • China Great Wall Industries/China Precision Machinery Imp & Exp Co’s Shenzhen Branch, Tradesman
  • PhoneStar Telecom, deputy GM
  • Guangzhou Southern Real Estates Ltd. (a military backed company), developer and tradesman
  • CNEEC (China National Electric Equipment Corp.) Shanghai


1992 - 1993 Opto-electronics Industry, Quality Dept Manager, Siemens Heimann Optoelectronics (Shenzhen, China)

Manager of the Quality Department of the then Siemens subsidiary, a leader in the production of flash lights, opto-sensitive cells for cameras and radioactive detectors for customs offices and aeroplanes.

  • Managed and maintained a certified quality system and a well organized quality control team,
  • stabilized and improved the failure rate of the products,
  • helped establish the product quality standards and
  • coordinated with Heimann’s subsidiaries in Singapore and its Headquarters in Germany for quality and other issues.

My other assignment:

  • evaluated and improved the production processes of the opto-electronic products using thermodynamic techniques and other mechanical technologies,
  • assisted in the drafting of process, and quality standards for the opto-electronic components (flash lights for aircrafts, opto-electronic sensors of cameras, scanners for customs offices etc)


1990 - 1992 Nuclear Power Industry, Quality Assurance Engineer, GNPJVC (EDF+Framatome+Bechtel+Alstom+CPL+CNNIC) ( Shenzhen, China)

Reported a major failure of generator stator moisture problem
Quality Assurance for the construction, installation, start up and commissioning of the nuclear and conventional islands according to IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and French (Electricite de France) and American (Bechtel International) practices

  • Supervised the quality control and assurance activities during the construction, testing and commissioning of the nuclear and conventional islands and also the BOP of the 2x900 MW, HK-financed and France-licensed nuclear power plant at Daya Bay, Guangdong, some 40 miles from Hongkong under the leadership of EDF of France and Bechtel International of the U.S.
  • Reported a major failure of generator stator moisture problem during the installation of the steam generator unit.

Special attention was paid to the installation, test and commissioning
of the

  • primary loop of the nuclear island,
  • the steam turbines,
  • he generators,
  • the steam separators and
  • the condensers.

Found a major defect of the generator in the installation and maintenance process.

Evaluated and conducted onsite tests, experiments of thermodynamic systems and features of various systems, equipment, and components (steam turbines, condensers, separators, heaters, pumps and other fluid machineries) and during the construction, installation, start up and commissioning of the nuclear and conventional islands.

GNPJVC (Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Company) was a joint venture between EDF, Bechtel, China Light & Power and China National Nuclear Power Corp., with consultancy provided by GEC Alstom (now ALstom), Framatome (now AREVA) and others.

1989 - 1990 Power Industry, Design Engineer, Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute (Guangzhou, China)

Designed the main workshop of the first 300MW power plant at Shajiao Phase II with CAD technology.

As the first engineer in this institute to design the main workshop of the 2x300MW power plants in Guangdong province with CAD software in VAX.

Performed CFD simulation of various ducts, flows, rotary machines and condensers, as well as thermodynamic simulation of the entire plant for estimation of thermal efficiency and power optimization.

Took a parttime job at Lo’s Trade (U.S.A) Co, Guangzhou Representative Office as a businessman.

1983 - 1986 Power Industry, Assist Engineer, China General Electric Company and China National Electric Equipment Company under the Ministry of Machinery of China (Beijing, China)

Coordination for power plant equipment technology licensing (from Westinghouse, ABB, KWU etc) nationwide, particularly the turbines and boiler technologies with indepth researches of technologies according to thermal sciences.

Took part in the coordination for national power equipment manufacturing technology, and negotiation with ABB, Westinghouse, EBASCO etc.

Trained at Shanghai Turbine Works, Shanghai Boiler Works and Shanghai Power Generation Equipment Research Institute for two years. Familiarized with manufacturing technologies of steam turbines, boilers and the thermodynamic system of large power plants.

Acquired full knowledge and experiences with the Chinese central government system;

Proposed reform plan to the Minister, not just for the Ministry of Machinery but for the overall Chinese government system as well, which were step by step realized over the next 20 years or so.

Attended major planning and coordination meetings with the Minister every month (The Monthly Minister Meeting).


Complete Documentation


This file career.chm : gives you a global picture of my career.

The documents in pdf are stored at the following location of google drive:

To see the scale of my career, you may view the file below which is a snapshot of my computer records of my career. The actual files are not accessible from this link. Please note most documents are removed to free more spcae for my documents.