


Expert in IC, IT, Web, Languages & Others



I am not a businessman nor would I like to be one. But I can find no way or no one to support my researches over the past decade, therefore I have to feed me up myself. I’ve tried many business areas and strategies but most of them did not bring me the slightest success. The only things which did bring me some small revenues were first the translation tasks and then the reporting and consulting about the Chinese solar and power industry around 2003-2007. Afterwards, over the 10 years periods of time, I have no income.

My Current Business Activities

Over the last decade I've tried a dozen of business fields, see below for your information. Business to me is only money, is not my lifetime goal. It is only useful to make my most beloved happy, especially my mother and father. Therefore there is no need to settle it to a specific area. What matters only is the amount and time I am in need. Therefore I don't set any target of business model or plan.

Fintech Business

However, some kind of business strategies must be worked out, because you don't have all the capacity to do all kinds of businesses. Therefore I do have made decision as to where my business shall be target at. Thus, after long long tries, I have determined to enter into the Fintech Business. But the problem remains open: Where to begin with? What to do? Whom to serve or who are my clients? And finally how to do it?

Before earning stable cash flow, I have to earn some small money first by providing some specialized and technical consulting and services.

Online banking and financing security

For those online banking and financing service commpanies, platforms as well as consumers, who care for their security and are concerned about possible attacks from hackers and other malicious organizations, whether they are using desktops, mobile devices and others and equipped with different OSs such as Windows, Linux, IOS etc.

See the link below for more information:


IC Design or Consulting

Another business area I can try is IC design or consulting.

I am currently designing a modem IP core for the Satellite broadband Internet's indoor units of the Satellite terminal. For this purpose I shall learn a lot about satellite communications, wireless and radio communications, as well as modulation and demodulation technologies before moving on with further design. I am currently at the stage of architectural design, afterwards I will continue with microachitectural design, logic synthesis and circuits design, with the final products as netlists to be available for other chip designers.

A website at http://www.angelia.space/ is also available for this project.


Software Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is a process where an engineered artifact (such as a car, a jet engine, or a software program) is deconstructed in a way that reveals its innermost details, such as its design and architecture. This is similar to scientific research that studies natural phenomena, with the difference that no one commonly refers to scientific research as reverse engineering, simply because no
one knows for sure whether or not nature was ever engineered.

In the software world, reverse engineering boils down to taking an existing program for which source-code or proper documentation is not available and attempting to recover details regarding its’ design and implementation. In some cases source code is available but the original developers who created it are unavailable.

Here I will deal specifically with what is commonly referred to as binary reverse engineering. Binary reverse engineering techniques aim at extracting valuable information from programs for which source code is unavailable. In some cases it is possible to recover the actual source-code (or a similar high-level representation) from the program binaries, which greatly simplifies the task because reading code presented in a high-level language is far easier than reading low-level assembly language code. In other cases we end up with a fairly cryptic assembly language listing that describes the program.

Reverse engineering is particularly useful in modern software analysis for a wide variety of purposes.


Web scraping, data mining and coding

Help you search the web for whatever you want to know, based on popular search engines and spiders. Custom crawlers may also be developed for you. Special programs can also be developed for your company or person, particularly in Java and python. Graph theory for web search engines is also among my interests. General coding in python, Java,, PHP, .net can also be provided.

Language services particularly website and software localization and globalization

That is the services related to globalization (localization and internationalization) of IT technologies and applications, such as websites, software, databases, multimedia online and various other web applications such as social networking, instant messaging, online communications etc.

As a multilingual engineer with proficiency in a couple of modern languages such as English, German, French, Greek, Russian, and Chinese, together with my IT skill pools, I can offer to facilitate your communications amongst your diversified cultural environment, wether they are software, websites, databases, multimedia or files.

My Previous Business

Operations Research Consulting

As such I have decided now to concentrate on operations research consulting for those who want to optimize their business operations, for the time being. The scope of applications of operations research is wide reaching and is almost universal. People use OR to maximize what they want and to minimize what they hate.

Complete Documentation

This file business.chm : gives you a global picture of my business.

The documents in pdf are stored at the following location of google drive:

To see the scale of my business, you may view the file below which is a snapshot of my computer records of my business. The actual files are not accessible from this link. Please note most documents are removed to free more spcae for my documents.